
Log in / Log out of Drupal

Modified on: Fri, 5 Apr, 2024 at 2:51 PM

Log in using DU (SSO) credentials 

Navigate to your site:

Use the "DU Login" link: 

The "DU Login" link should take you to this DU Central Login page:

Use the same DU Email address + PioneerWeb password credentials you use to log into Office365. 

When you successfully log in, you will be directed back to your Drupal site and dropped on your "user" page in Drupal. This page looks like your site, with just navigation + additional admin/editor menus -- the content are of the page will be empty.

Log in using Drupal (local) credentials 

NOTE: Most Drupal users are set up to use SSO. But if you need to use local credentials for some reason... 

  1. Go to the login page of the site you are accessing. 
  2. Append “/user/login” to the end of the URL. 
  3. Enter your username (first.last -- do NOT include the part of your DU email address) in the Username field 
  4. Enter your Drupal password in the Password field. Do not use a DU password as your local Drupal password.
  5. Click Log in. 

When you successfully log in, you are dropped on your "user" page in Drupal. This page looks like your site, with just navigation + additional admin/editor menus -- the content are of the page will be empty.

Log Out

NOTE: If you are on a shared computer, follow these steps to log out: 

  1. Click your username in the far right on the Admin menu.
    The options in the Admin menu changes, and a Log out option displays... 
  2. Click Log out. 

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